
Mighty Munchkins is a small play group, my gates are open from 7:15 for the early working parents. We normally follow a daily routine that includes: tasks, activities and outdoor play based on the schedule below:

Activity time 8:00-9:45

When all the children have arrived for the morning, we try and complete one structured task a morning. The children start the day with activities such as: cutting play dough, threading, tearing pictures from magazines for collages, puzzle building and number tasks.

When all the children have had a chance to complete their one on one time we then go outside to ride bikes, cars, bouncy horses, play in the water tray etc until snack time routine at 9:45.

Snack time 10:00-10:30

Before snack we all go to the toilet, sit on potties and wash our hands. We then sit at the tables and say a quick grace song then we eat, children are encouraged to Pack away and tuck in chairs. After snack we go through to the Big garden.

BIG garden 10:45-11:35

Here we play group games and work on our gross motor muscles on the swings, trampoline, jungle gyms and tyres.

Story time 11:45-12:00

Story time is a chance to learn new vocabulary and calm down before parents fetch.

Parents fetch children between 12:00 and 12:15. If you need children to stay longer please let me know.

What to Bring


Please send a small packed lunch. Fruit, yoghurt, sandwiches, carrot sticks, Mini Cheddars, Water, juice (no fizzy drinks). Etc. Please No sweets unless it is a birthday or special occasion.


Please send a hat or cap for your child during the hotter months and a towel for sprinkler games. You are also welcome to send sun cream as well. Please also make sure that if your child is still potty training there is a stock of nappies and wet wipes left at school or in his/her bag, as well as a change of clothes.


Please could you send 1 roll of toilet paper/pack of wetwipes (if potty training) a term and a box of tissues.


If you are throwing away anything here are things we could always use at school:

  • Boxes any size or use – Box construction
  • Plastic containers- Art
  • Empty toilet rolls-Art and Box construction
  • News papers- Art
  • Purity jars- Arts and Crafts
  • Scrap paper- Art
  • Formula tins- Art and Storage
  • Fancy dress clothes, Old dresses or shoes- Fantasy play